Office of Accreditation & Assessment

Office of Accreditation & Assessment

The Office of Accreditation and Assessment aims to provide resources for the university's planning, decision-making, and responsible units in administrative assessment, program review assessment, and accreditation preparation. We promote comprehensive assessment and institutional accreditation of the university both in the United States and China. It is the commitment of the Office of Accreditation and Assessment to foster a data-driven, action-oriented culture to continuously improve and innovate student learning, student support, and student services.
The Office of Accreditation and Assessment provides administrative assessment, program accreditation, program assessment, institutional accreditation, quality assurance, and other support for assessment teams at all levels of the school. It collaborates with assessment teams composed of university leaders and coordinators at various levels, actively conducts seminars and topics discussions on program and administrative assessments, focuses on student learning outcomes and institutional effectiveness, and facilitate excellence within the university.

Contact Us

Catherine Jue Yu (Ph.D)

Office: GEH B305
Tel: 0577-55870185