Office of Accreditation & Assessment

Office of Accreditation & Assessment

Accreditation as the Foundation, Assessment as the Building Block

For students, accreditation and assessment ensure education quality, help boost competitiveness, and make graduates more attractive in the job market. For universities, these processes build a stronger reputation, attract top-notch faculty and students, and provide a roadmap for improving education standards. For society, they help universities adapt to market needs, respond to changes, and enhance education quality, all while fostering cultural understanding and inclusivity.

The Office of Accreditation and Assessment supports the University's planning and decision-making by offering resources for assessments, program reviews, and accreditations. It works with accreditation organizations in both the U.S. and China and is committed to creating a culture of data-driven decision-making and actionable improvements. The office focuses on continually enhancing student learning, services, and overall support.

This office works closely with university leaders and assessment teams to provide services like administrative assessments, program and institutional accreditations, and quality assurance. It organizes workshops and seminars about program  and administrative assessments, emphasizing student success and institutional performance to help the university grow and improve.

Our goal is to deliver high-quality accreditation and assessment services that help the university excel in accreditations in both China and the U.S. By using results from these processes, we're dedicated to improving and innovating how we support faculty and enhance student learning.

Contact Us

Catherine Jue Yu (Ph.D)

Office: GEH B308
Tel: 0577-55870185

Annnie Xuanhan Guo (Research Assistant)

Office: GEH A307
Tel: 0577-55870300

Becky Zewen Zheng (Graduate Assistant)

Office: GEH A307

Olivia Xuehua Xia (Graduate Assistant)

Office: GEH A307