温州肯恩大学交通安全管理办法Measures for Traffic Safety of Wenzhou-Kean University (Modified for Trial in 2023)

2023-05-05 | 通知公告 | Li Ying

为加强校园交通秩序管理,预防和减少交通安全事故,根据相关法律法规,结合我校实际情况,学校已修订《温州肯恩大学交通安全管理办法》并经 2023 年第十五次校务会审议通过,现予以实行,请全体师生遵照执行。

To strengthen the campus traffic order management, prevent and reduce traffic accidents, and maintain the normal teaching, scientific research, and life, as well as the personal and property safety of students, faculty, and staff, in consideration of the actual conditions of the Wenzhou-Kean University, these Measures for traffic safety are hereby formulated in accordance with related regulations are approved by the 15th university administration meeting in 2023. Vehicles, pedestrians, passengers passing on the campus roads of Wenzhou-Kean University, and persons carrying out traffic-related activities on the roads, shall abide by these Measures.

附件Annex:Measures for Traffic Safety of Wenzhou-Kean University (Modified for Trial in 2023)关于印发《温州肯恩大学交通安全管理办法》的通知