
2023-05-16 | 近期活动


活动目标: 香囊文化传承已久,佩戴香囊既是一种民俗,也是预防疾病的一种方法。除了美观和药用价值,往往更多地寄托了人们的情感,也凝结着我国劳动人民的智慧。此次活动邀请中英语伴一起做香囊,识中药。通过中药香囊知识宣讲、互动体验中药香囊制作,以中医传统中药香囊的独特作用,展示中医药特色优势,传播健康生活理念,感受传统手艺的美妙。

Name of Activity: TCM Fragrant Sachet

Brief Introduction: TCM sachet has a long history in China. It belongs to a kind of traditional Chinese medicine fragrance therapy. It is a method to put the powder of aromatic medicine into a special cloth bag and hang it on the body to prevent and cure diseases by volatilizing the smell of medicine.