2016 Employment Opportunities 招聘公告
- 岗位及要求详见公告底部岗位一览表。
- 报名资格条件中涉及到时间起止问题的,计算时间统一截止到 2017年10月29日。
- 中国籍:
- 点击这里报名:报名入口
- 通过智联招聘、前程无忧、猎聘网等网站投递简历
- 非中国籍:
1.应聘报名 | 9月29日-10月29日 |
2.资格初审 | 10月30日-11月3日 |
3.笔试 | 11月10日 |
4.面试 | 11月10日-11月17日 |
5.资格复审及入围洽谈 | 11月17日-11月24日 |
6.预录用公示 | 11月27日-12月1日 |
7.体检 | 12月1日-12月8日 |
8.录用 | 12月 |
- 已完成学业(有相关证明)但尚未取得学位证书的应届毕业生可申请应聘。
- 具体考试安排会以邮件+短信的形式另行通知。请务必确保报名时填写的手机号码、邮件地址准确无误。
- 体检参照公务员体检标准执行。
- 如有任何问题发邮件至hiring@wku.edu.cn。
Wenzhou-Kean University Recruitment Announcement
Wenzhou-Kean University is a Chinese-American jointly established higher education institution with Independent legal person status and limited liabilities. We adopt advanced ideology and administration system for faculty and staff management from those prestigious American higher education institutions with sophisticated appointment system, and attract and recruits highly talented professionals in compliance with world-class standards. Welcome to join us!
Part1 Recruitment Positions and Qualifications
- Hiring positions
- Closing date:29th.October.2017
Part2 Application
- Chinese:
(1)Apply HERE
(2)Apply through Zhilian Zhaopin/51job/Liepin
Please send your Cover Letter, CV, three recommendation letters to hiring@wku.edu.cn, Title:Department+position+name.
Those Chinese who apply by sending resume to hiring@wku.edu.cn is unvalued.
Part3 Recruitment procedure and timeline
1.Ads Posting | 29th.Sept – 29th.Oct |
2.Screening | 30th.Oct – 3rd. Nov |
3.Written Exam | 10th. Nov |
4.Interview | 10th. Nov – 17th. Nov |
5.Candidate Qualification Review and Negotiation | 17th. Nov – 24th. Nov |
6.Notification | 27th. Nov – 1st. Dec |
7.Physical Exam | 1st.Dec – 8th. Dec |
8.On-Boarding | Late December |
Part 4
- Those Graduating Students who have proven record of finishing the whole courses and haven’t gotten the degree could apply for the positions.
- The details of written exam and interview will be informed by sending e-mail and text message. Please ensure you provide e-mail address and telephone number correctly.
- The physical exam standard is in accordance with civil servants.
- If you have any questions, please send e-mail to hiring@wku.edu.cn
WKU Recruitment Position
*注:点击具体职位查看岗位职责。 Click Job Title for job description.
No. 序号 |
Deptment 部门 |
Job Title 岗位名称 |
Position No. 岗位人数 |
Major 专业 |
Degree 学历 |
Working Experience 工作年限 |
Salary Range 薪资范围(RMB/year) |
1 | Board Secretary Office 理事会秘书处 |
Executive secretary for the board of directors | 1 | / | Master 硕士 |
5 year 5年 |
200,000-300,000 |
2 | Strategic Planning and Institutional Research 发展规划部 |
Legal Counsel | 1 | Law 法律 |
Master 硕士 |
3 year 3年 |
70,000-120,000 |
3 | Research Sponsored Programs 科研办 |
Comprehensive management Specialist | 1 | Science and Technology 理工类 |
Master 硕士 |
2 year 2年 |
70,000-120,000 |
4 | Human Resource 人力资源部 |
HR Specialists | 1 | Human Resource Management/ Accounting 人力资源/财务会计 |
Master 硕士 |
2 year 2年 |
70,000-120,000 |
5 | Chinese Curricula Center 国情中心 |
Associate Director & CNCC Course Instructer | 1 | Humanities/Social Science 人文/社科 |
Ph.D 博士 |
/ | 150,000-240,000 |
6 | CNCC Course Instructor & Admin II (course: Approaching History) | 1 | History 历史 |
Master 硕士 |
/ | 70,000-120,000 | |
7 | CNCC Course Instructor & Admin IV (course: Chinese Philosophy) | 1 | Philosophy 哲学 |
Master 硕士 |
/ | 70,000-120,000 | |
8 | Library 图书馆 |
Textbook Acquisition Specialist | 1 | Business Management 工商管理 |
Master 硕士 |
/ | 70,000-120,000 |
9 | Access and Delivery Service Specialist | 2 | / | Bachelor 学士 |
/ | 50,000-70,000 |