温州肯恩大学创新创业人才拟录用人员公示 (二)Wenzhou-Kean University Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents Recruitment Proposed Hiring Name List Notification II
According to “Wenzhou-Kean University Regulations on the acquisition of “Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents” recruitment process, we have finished the application, screening, assessment, and now we are going to announce the following proposed hiring name list.
The notification will start from November 30, 2021 to December 6, 2021. If you have any questions, please give your feedback in written to the Office of Human Resources or Office of Supervision before December 6, 2021.
Contact information: Office of Human Resources, TB A215, phone number: 55870225, e-mail: hiring@wku.edu.cn; Office of Supervision, TB A208, phone number: 55870046, e-mail: supervision@wku.edu.cn.
Office of Human Resources
Office of Supervision
Wenzhou-Kean University
November 30, 2021
No. 序号 |
Name 姓名 |
Acquisition tpye 引进方式 |
Category 人才层次 |
1 | Nasrin Seraji | Flexible Acquisition 柔性引进 |
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