本硕博外国留学生招生|马来西亚 International Admission Info Session in Malaysia

2023-12-15 | 研究生招生



    2023年12月18日,温州肯恩大学将在马来西亚吉隆坡W酒店举行外国留学生本科及研究生招生宣讲会。届时我校执行副校长Dr. Cary Anderson将与您进行面对面的交流,介绍学校办学特色以及外国留学生本硕博招生政策。

    On December 18, 2023, Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU) will hold an International Undergraduate and Graduate Admission Info Session at W Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. WKU's Executive Vice President Dr. Cary Anderson will meet you there with an introduction to WKU’s international admission (including undergraduate and graduate programs) policies and face-to-face Q&As. You are very welcome to join us.

    时间:北京时间2023年12月18日 17:00-21:00    地点:马来西亚吉隆坡安邦路121号W酒店10楼会议室

    Time: Beijing Standard Time Dec 18, 2023, 17:00-21:00

    Venue:Level 10- Strategy Room,W Kuala Lumpur, No. 121, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 50450



About Wenzhou-Kean University & Kean University


Wenzhou-Kean University is a Chinese-American jointly established higher education institution with independent legal person status. On March 31, 2014, the Ministry of Education of China approved the establishment of Wenzhou-Kean University. In July 2014, the establishment of Wenzhou-Kean University was listed as one of the achievements of the Fifth Round of China-U.S. High-level Cultural Exchanges, which is Zhejiang Province’s only educational project on the list. In June 2018, the Chinese Ministry of Education and Zhejiang Province listed WKU as one of the exemplary China-foreign cooperative universities, supporting it to become “an internationalized and world-class university. In November 2019, WKU was approved to offer masters and doctoral programs.



    美国肯恩大学(Kean University)创建于1855年,是新泽西州第一所公立高等教育机构。目前有尤宁郡、大洋郡、高地等三大校区。其中,位于尤宁郡的主校区距纽约仅32公里。近年来,美国肯恩大学已发展成为一所综合性、全球性的高等教育机构,2021年被新泽西州政府认定为“以城市为中心的科研型大学”。美国肯恩大学校园占地1500亩,为超过 16000 名多元化的本科生和研究生提供服务。学校共设有50余个本科专业和70余个研究生专业(方向),其中,商务类、医疗康复类、科技类、教育类专业为该校优势专业。美国肯恩大学具有学士、硕士、博士学位授予权。

    Founded in 1855, Kean University was the first public post-secondary institution in New Jersey. In recent years, Kean University has developed campuses in Union, Ocean County, and Skylands. Its main campus in Union is only about 32 kilometers away from New York City.

    In recent years, Kean University has grown into a comprehensive and global institution of higher education. In 2021, it achieved the status of New Jersey’s fifth research university and the First Urban Research University. It serves a diverse population of more than 16,000 undergraduate and graduate students, with its campus area covering 247 acres. The University offers more than 50 undergraduate programs and more than 70 options for graduate study, with business, health care, technology and education programs as its featured programs. Kean University is accredited to confer bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.



About International Students Admission






· How to reply

Please email scanned copies of the required documents to admissions@wku.edu.cn.

Downloads: https://admission.wku.edu.cn/en/guojibenkezhaosheng



About Graduate Admission

  • 专业列表
  • List of Graduate Programs



Advantages of WKU Graduate Programs


1. 学校颁发美国肯恩大学硕士、博士学位证书。

WKU confers master’s and doctoral degrees at Kean University.

2. 面向全球招生,学校采用国际通行的申请入学制。

WKU conducts application-based admissions procedures.

3. 学制灵活。

WKU offers graduate programs with flexible instructional models.

4. 国际化的师资队伍,以高标准在全球范围吸引和组建优秀科研和教学团队。

WKU recruits faculty and builds research/teaching teams with high academic standards worldwide.

5. 采用美国肯恩大学的课程体系和培养方案,英文授课以及国际化的教学环境。

WKU graduate programs adopt the curriculum, English teaching environment, and
internationalized learning atmosphere from Kean University.

6. 丰厚的奖助学金。

WKU offers a substantial amount of graduate scholarships and assistantships to qualified applicants.



Graduate Program Application


 Register the WKU Graduate Application System (https://ga.wku.edu.cn) and fill out the required information in the system.