Denise Horn
Educational Background
PhD Political Science, Rutgers University
Graduate Certificate, Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University
MA Political Science, University of Connecticut
BA Political Science, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
Dr. Denise M. Horn the Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Kean University and the Dean of CLA at Wenzhou-Kean University.
She is the author of Democratic Governance and Social Entrepreneurship: Civic Participation and the Future of Democracy (Routledge 2013) and Women, Civil Society and the Geopolitics of Democratization (Routledge 2010) and several articles and book chapters. Dr. Horn is an International Relations scholar, whose work explores the relationship of civil society development to democratic growth, focusing on women’s transnational activism and trends in global development strategies, such as social entrepreneurship. She has facilitated workshops in social entrepreneurship and community development in Thailand, Indonesia and India. Her current research focuses on the effects of US and Japanese family planning aid in Southeast Asia.
Dr. Horn was a 2014 Fulbright Senior Scholar, where she conducted seminars in Democratization and Human Rights at Universitas Andalas, in West Sumatra, Indonesia. In fall 2018, Dr. Horn was a Visiting Associate Professor at Osaka University, Osaka, Japan. She was a long time member of the editorial board for Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, and is the past Chair of the Feminist Theory and Gender Studies section of the International Studies Association.
Research interests
Feminist International Relations, Biopolitics of Southeast Asia, Geopolitics of Southeast and East Asia.
Selected Publications/scholarly and creative work
- Democratic Governance and Social Entrepreneurship: Civic Participation and the Future of Democracy. NY: Routledge (Released in Paperback and Kindle Edition July 2015)
- Women, Civil Society and the Geopolitics of Democratization. NY: Routledge.
(Released in Paperback and Kindle Edition September 2012)
Refereed Journals
2021.“’Happy and Prosperous Families’ and Foreign Aid: The Biopolitics of Fertility Control
in Indonesia,” under review.
- “Introduction to Displacement” (with Serena Parekh), Signs: Journal of Women, Culture and Society, Vol. 43, Number 3, Spring 2018, pp. 503-514.
- “Teaching Abroad: Creating Global Citizens and Global Teachers” E-Journal of Public Affairs, Vol. 4, No. 1, March 30.
2012/13. “Locating Security in the Womb: US Foreign Policy and International Family Planning Programs” International Feminist Journal of Politics, print Issue 15(2), July 2013 and published on-line July 30, 2012. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14616742.2012.699784#preview
- “Setting the Agenda: US and Nordic Gender Policies in Estonia,” International Feminist Journal of Politics, Vol. 10, No.1, March, pp. 59-77.
- “Constructing Agency: US Foreign Funding and Gender Identity in Moldovan Civil Society,” Journal Transitions, Centre d’étude de la vie politique, Université libre de Bruxelles, Winter 2005-06, pp. 203-222.
Chapters in Books
- With Punam Yadav, “Continuum of violence: thinking through the lens of feminist peace research” in The Handbook of Feminist Peace Research, Swati Parashar, Tarja Väyrynen, Élise Féron, Peace Medie and Catia Confortini, eds. London: Routledge.
- “Social Entrepreneurship, Democracy and Political Participation” in Social Entrepreneurship: An Affirmative Critique, Pascal Dey and Chris Steyaert, eds. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 330-339.
- “Citizenship, Nationality and Gender” in Gender Matters, 2nd Edition, Laura Shepherd, ed., London: Routledge, pp. 320-330.
- “Boots and Bed Sheets: Constructing the Military Support System in a Time of War,” in Gender, War and Militarism, Laura Sjoberg and Sandra Via, eds., Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International.
- “Feminist Approaches to International Relations,” Encyclopedia of Government and Politics 2nd Edition, Mary Hawkesworth and Maurice Kogan, eds. London: Routledge, pp. 879-896.
Book Reviews
- Horn, Denise M. The NGO Game: Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in the Balkans and
Beyond, Patrice C. McMahon, author. International Feminist Journal of Politics 21:1, p. 161-163. DO
- Horn, Denise M. Fortunes of Feminism: From State-Managed Capitalism to
Neoliberal Crisis, Nancy Fraser, author, and Theorizing NGOs: States, Feminisms, and Neoliberalism, Victoria Bernal and Inderpal Grewal, eds. Signs, Vol. 41, No. 4, Summer 2016, pp. 991-995.
- Horn, Denise M. Shaping a Woman’s Global Agenda: Women’s NGOs and Global
Governance 1925-85. Karen Garner, author. International Feminist Journal of Politics, Vol. 14, Issue 2, May, pp. 321-323.
Journal Editor
- “Displacement” Special Issue of Signs: Journal of Women, Culture and Society (with Serena Parehk), Vol. 43, Number 3, Spring 2018. http://signsjournal.org/special-issue-displacement-edited-by-denise-horn-and-serena-parekh/