

学校现有中外教职员工约466名,其中专任教师182名,来自全球35个国家和地区,90%以上为外籍人士,大部分具有国际教学背景和博士学位。此外,学校引进“西湖友谊奖”获得者(C类人才)2人,D类人才7人。教师累计发表论文578篇,以第一作者、通讯作者身份在纳入SCI、SSCI收录的国际学术期刊上发表论文147篇。根据Scopus统计,学校自2019年至今所发论文的Field-Weighted Citation Impact(1.62),Outputs in Top Citation Percentiles(16.4%,中国平均11.3%),Publications in Top Journal Percentiles(19.5%,中国平均18.7%)等指标位居中国大学前列。优秀的全球化师资队伍为学校的国际化办学提供了有力的人才支撑。


ENG 2000 Analytical Writing About Literature
ENG 2205 British Literature I
ENG 2206 British Literature II
ENG 2206 British Literature II




2013. Democratic Governance and Social Entrepreneurship: Civic Participation and the Future of Democracy. NY: Routledge 

2010. (Released in Paperback and Kindle Edition September 2012)


Refereed Journals

2021. “’Happy and Prosperous Families’ and Foreign Aid: The Biopolitics of Fertility Control in Indonesia,” under review.

2020. “Introduction to Displacement” (with Serena Parekh), Signs: Journal of Women, Culture and Society, Vol. 43, Number 3, .

2018. “Teaching Abroad: Creating Global Citizens and Global Teachers” E-Journal of Public Affairs, Vol. 4, No. 1, March 30.

2015. “Locating Security in the Womb: US Foreign Policy and International Family Planning Programs” International Feminist Journal of Politics, print Issue 15(2), 

2014.  “Setting the Agenda: US and Nordic Gender Policies in Estonia,” International Feminist Journal of Politics, Vol. 10,

2012. “Constructing Agency:  US Foreign Funding and Gender Identity in Moldovan Civil Society,” Journal Transitions, Centre d’étude de la vie politique, Université libre de Bruxelles, Winter 2005-06, pp. 203-222.