Campus Life
2025 WKU Cup English Flash Fiction Competition | Unfold China in 500 Words
Notice on Registration for 2025 National English Competition for College Students
Is it strange to wear the WRONG socks? Children of the Stars

Residence Halls
Wenzhou Kean University is committed to building a safe and well-equipped learning and living community. By organizing a variety of activities to guide students to make effective use of residential resources and promote students to achieve academic success and personal goals.
At present, there are ten residence halls in the university, including Training Building, Plum Hall, Orchid Hall, Bamboo Hall, Chrysanthemum Hall, Bayan Hall, Maple Hall, Ginkgo Hall,Osmanthus Hall and Ougan Hall (Graduates Exclusive). There are mainly double-occupancy 2-bedroom suite (high beds), double-occupancy 2-bedroom suite (low beds), double-occupancy bedroom (low beds), and Single bedroom (low beds).
Student Affairs
Student trustee is the student representative to the Wenzhou-Kean University Board of Trustees. Each student is elected for a two-year term, serving as an alternate member during the first year and as a voting member during the second year.
To be eligible a student must be a full-time matriculated student in good standing with no history of any student conduct violations, must be eighteen (18) years of age or older and a citizen of China. Wenzhou-Kean University requires that undergraduate students maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0, and have completed at least thirty (30) degree credits.

The General Education Hall (GEH)
The General Education Hall (GEH) was the first academic building on the Wenzhou-Kean campus. It is a large building located at the southwestern corner of campus. Four building wings are linked together by a central circulation spine. Wing A has three floors, and the B, C, and D wings each have five floors. It utilizes Chinese traditional educational space and Wenzhou landscape characteristics. The exterior has a series of grand terraces and is built in an architectural style with patterned red bricks.