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Office of Accessibility Services
Please contact us: oas@wku.edu.cn
The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) strives to increase disability and access awareness throughout the campus community and beyond in a manner that is consistent with the current social model of disability services. OAS is committed to ensuring the full participation of individuals with disabilities according to law.

The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) provides assistance and accommodations for all students with documented physical, medical, learning, emotional and/or physical disabilities both temporary and permanent. Our office aims to foster wellness and an accessible learning environment as well as promote accessibility, equity, inclusion, and diversity.
OAS strives to empower students through the development of self-advocacy and independence skills. Our goal as a student service office is to increase disability and accessibility awareness throughout the campus community and beyond that is consistent with the current social model of disability services. Wenzhou-Kean University has a strong commitment to full inclusion and equal opportunity for all persons with disabilities. The University adheres to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Every effort is made by our friendly and professional staff to provide every student with the opportunity to participate in all areas in college life.
Meet Our Staff
Zhenzhen XIA (Janet), Professional Services Specialist
Zhenzhen XIA is the Professional Services Specialist at OAS. She has a master’s degree from the University of Hong Kong in education and has extensive experience working with students who have documented disabilities. She is very willing to assist students with disabilities in understanding the transition from high school to university and with accessing reasonable accommodations, adaptive technology and student success support.

Confidentiality Policy
All records of the Wenzhou-Kean University Office of Accessibility Services are private and confidential. Information gathered when you visit our office does not become part of a permanent University record or personnel file, nor does it appear on any transcript or official document of any kind.
We do not release personal information of any kind without the student’s written consent. Consent will be requested when applying for academic accommodations.
Request Accommodations
Students who seek support services from the Office of Accessibility Services must be registered Wenzhou-Kean University students with a current schedule. They are required to self-disclose their disability and submit current documentation to verify eligibility as defined under applicable law. To meet this requirement, documentation must be dated within the last one year and must address the present need for accommodations. This documentation will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with a personal intake interview. Academic accommodations are designed to provide equal access to course content while maintaining the academic standards that are required in all classes. The University may deny an accommodation, academic adjustment or request for assistive technology if determined to be unreasonable, or if the modification fundamentally alters an academic program.
How to Apply
To request accommodations from The office of Accessibility Services:
- Complete and return an Intake Form.
- Submit your current Educational and Psychological Evaluations to the Office of Accessibility Services (evaluations may not be more than one year old).
- Have your doctor or therapist complete the Medical Verification Form, if applicable, for medical and/or mental health disabilities (available on the Accessibility Services website).
- Send a copy of your class schedule.
- Once you have sent the Office of Accessibility Services your paperwork, please call the Office of Accessibility Services at 55870153 to schedule an intake appointment. At that time, any reasonable accommodations that may be appropriate for your access to college classes will be discussed.
- Transfer students should include a copy of their Accommodation Letter from their previous institution.
Students requesting housing accommodations should submit a Medical Verification Form by June 1.
For quick access to our forms, please click on the links below:
Policies and Procedures
For a comprehensive guide to all of our policies, please click on the link below:
The Office of Accessibility Services Student Handbook for Policies and Procedures.
Rights and Responsibilities
Every student with a documented disability at Wenzhou-Kean University has the right to:
- Equal access to courses, programs, services, jobs, activities and facilities offered at Wenzhou-Kean University.
- Reasonable and effective accommodations as determined for each individual, including academic adjustments and/or auxiliary assistance and services.
- Appropriate confidentiality of all information regarding the disability and a choice as to whom, outside of Wenzhou-Kean University, information about the disability may be disclosed, except as disclosures are required or permitted by law.
- Information and evaluations available in alternative formats, based on his or her ability.
- Appeal the institution’s decisions concerning accommodations. This may be done by following the procedures outlined in the Complaint and Grievance procedure of the Office of Accessibility Services Student Handbook .
Every student with a documented disability has the responsibility to:
- Provide documentation that verifies the disability, functional limitations and the need for accommodations.
- Meet qualifications and maintain essential institutional standards for classes, programs, services, jobs, activities and facilities.
- Follow procedures for obtaining reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary assistance and services as soon as relevant course information is available.
- Self-Identify as an individual with a disability when an accommodation is necessary and to seek information, tutoring, counseling and assistance as necessary.
Wenzhou-Kean University has the right to:
- Maintain its academic standards.
- Identify and establish essential functions, abilities, skills, knowledge and standards for courses, programs, services, jobs, activities and the use of facilities; and to evaluate students on this basis.
- Request and receive, through the Office of Accessibility Services, current documentation (within the last one year) that supports the request for accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary assistance and services.
- Deny any request for accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary assistance and services if the individual fails to provide appropriate documentation in a timely manner, or if the documentation provided demonstrates that the request is not warranted.
- Select among equally effective accommodations, adjustments, and/or auxiliary assistance and services in consultation with the student.
- Refuse an accommodation, adjustments, and/or auxiliary assistance and services as unreasonable.
Every faculty member has the responsibility to:
- Assure the confidentiality of all information regarding students with disabilities.
- Discuss with the Office of Accessibility Services any concerns related to the accommodation(s) or arrangements that have been requested by the student during their initial contact.
- Determine the conditions under which an exam is to be administered (e.g., open book, use of notes, computer with word processor that includes spell check, formula sheet, calculator, scrap paper, dictionary).
- Provide appropriate accommodations to students who have provided a current Verification of Accommodations form, either personally or by making arrangements with the Office of Accessibility Services.
- Assure the timely delivery of the exam, along with all necessary instructions and materials for proper administration, if a student’s exam is to be administered out of class.