English Language Center


To foster an English learning environment and facilitate students’ study of English as a tool for their academic success.


The English Language Center is a professional unit of Wenzhou-Kean University offering students a variety of English learning opportunities and tailored services, all designed to cater to their specific needs and ensure the continued enhancement and refinement of their English skills throughout the academic years.

We encourage the persistent practice and reflective use of English that will foster the intellectual and cultural growth of individuals and of the academic community at large.

Contact Us

ELC E-mail Address: elc@wku.edu.cn

Office: GEH B301

ELC News & Activities

Referral Forms

  • English Language Lab Referral Form
  • Application for Using English Language Lab
  • Referral Form for English Learning Support
  • Referral Form for General Academic Support
  • Writing Referral Form

Make Appointments

The primary mission of the English Language Center is to provide individualized support for students in English language proficiency and academic skills development. The ELC Supplemental Instructors work with students in one-on-one tutoring in the areas of

  • Grammar and usage
  • Essay development
  • Speaking
  • Sentence structure
  • Pronunciation
  • MLA/APA formatting
  • Presentation skills
  • General academic skills

To make appointments, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to www.wku.edu.cn > My WKU > ELC > STUDENT APPOINTMENTS > Make Appointments > Instructor, and then click on a tutor’s name;
  2. Fill out the appointment form and confirm the appointment;
  3. Attend the session and evaluate it afterwards;
  4. If you are not able to attend the tutoring session, please go to www.wku.edu.cn > My WKU > ELC > STUDENT APPOINTMENTS > My Appointments to cancel it.

Contact Us

Director: Lulu He

Telephone:0577 – 5587 0065


The ELC WeChat introduces English language learning tools, websites, applications and other resources, as well as promoting ELC activities. Please scan the QR code below to follow us: