Peer Tutoring
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Tutoring Services
Peer Tutoring Program
Appointment-based Individual Peer Tutoring allows for focused and individualized assistance for students who want a more personalized tutoring experience. Individual Tutoring is especially useful for students who want help with specific parts of the course, whose previous experience did not include preparation in an essential topic that they need for the course, or who want to enhance their foundational knowledge through the application of the course material. Individual Tutoring may be the place for students who, after preparing, are still struggling with defining their specific issues or have a broad range of questions/concepts to discuss.
SASRC provides FREE Peer Tutoring services from Mon. to Sun., 8:30 a.m.- 9:30 p.m. at SLAC204,SLAC205,SLAC206 to all WKU current students with excellent upper-class peer tutors. Students may book an appointment via our Tutor Appointment System ( visit MY WKU account > Resource Booking > Book Course Tutoring > choose a tutor with your preferred courses) at least 2 days in advance. Your appointment will be reviewed by SASRC within one business day. Every student can freely make appointments for four hours each month at maximum.