Curriculum construction
Curriculum construction
In the 2021-2022 academic year, our school offered 343 undergraduate courses in the United States, totaling 1626 classes. All associate senior professors participate 100% in the teaching of undergraduate studies. The school has fully introduced Kean University(KU) curriculum system, aiming to cultivate lifelong learning for students. The KU curriculum system covers general education, professional education, and elective courses. General education courses include essential reading, humanities, social science, scientific mathematics, and sports and health modules. Professional education covers supportive courses, elective courses, and core courses. Various colleges provide elective courses, covering both lower and higher-level elective courses. Students can choose courses of interest from systems outside their professional training programs to enrich their university studies. WKU provides students with a relaxed and independent development space and develops elective courses that meet the characteristics of each major based on their respective majors. The proportion of elective course credits in the total credits is 13% -34%. Students can choose professional and interdisciplinary elective courses based on their interests.
At the same time, the school continues to actively explore establishing a national and cultural education system that meets the educational characteristics of Sino-foreign cooperative universities, innovates national and cultural education courses, and profoundly integrates tradition and the concept of "full education."
To cultivate students with an international perspective, patriotism, good humanistic literacy, and a healthy physique, integrating the educational characteristics of "5C" (innovation, criticism, cooperation, individuality, and care), focusing on the four main lines of "distinguishing and thinking", "ancient and present", "me and society", "cultural inheritance and internationalization", integrating "XI JINPING's important discourse research on education" and labor education into the teaching of four national conditions courses, and actively prepare courses related to the XI JINPING's theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and construct a national and cultural curriculum system for ideological and political education, international education, art education, and physical education.